Well, yesterday I got a new half marathon PB of 1:55:50 at Gosport. I think we were really lucky with the weather, it was cool but not cold with a slight breeze rather than the gale we had for the Great South Run.
I hadn’t had the ideal race preparation; I had spent the previous two days photographing weddings. This isn’t as glamorous as it may sound. It is normally 12 hours at a time, most of it on your feet with quite heavy kit, not eating properly and not drinking anywhere near enough.
What with that and I had still been running with the dogs over the Downs each morning so they got their exercise I wouldn’t have been surprised if I hadn’t beaten my PB.
On the drive down there I gave myself a good talking to. At each race this year I have beaten my previous course best and at the Great South Run I had proved that I could run the pace I needed to for 10 miles….. I just hadn’t done as many long distances as I had wanted and really wasn’t sure if I could maintain it for another three, I was worried about running out of energy as much as anything.
I took my own water, I just can’t get on with running and drinking from cups, I gave it another go but for me it just doesn’t work. I also had some Clif shot bloks with me and had these at miles 5 and 7.
The course is just about as flat as you can get although if it is windy and raining I don’t think the sections through the airport would be much fun !
I had planned to stay just below 9min miles and apart from a mental wobble at mile 7 I managed it. I just have to stay focused, not let my concentration drift and tell myself I can do it !
Anyway, here is the Garmin data
And here is the medal 🙂