A fine line…. Well, for me this year it has been a very fine line marathon training between doing enough training and...
It’s been a bit busy lately I know, that is no excuse for not updating my blog but finding the time to fit everything in...
The end of another year…… Well, I’m sitting writing this with a glass of wine in front of the log burner with the two...
It has started…. Marathon training that is….. Ok, so this week hasn’t been brilliant; trying to fit runs in the week before...
A real milestone…. Today a group of the runners from the group that I started just after Easter took part in the...
Wow ! I found out at last nights training session that I had been awarded Club Member of the Year and...
Found it ! Well, not long after giving up all hope of finding my head torch (and about to order a new...
A new half marathon PB Well, yesterday I got a new half marathon PB of 1:55:50 at Gosport. I think we were really lucky...