On Sunday I went for lovely 13.3 “gentle” run that included some whopping great hills. This is the furthest that I have run since the marathon and if I’m honest I was a bit nervous about it, I wasn’t sure quite how much fitness I have lost in the last 6 weeks of “recovery” running…. The last time I ran anything similar was last October and despite stopping to take some photos and admire the views from the top of the hills (aka feeling like you just can’t breath anymore !) I was less than a minute slower than last time…
One thing that has changed has been the introduction of free range pigs….. These pigs are big, but gorgeous and they looked so chilled sleeping in the sun on top of the straw…. It certainly makes a change from the cows, sheep and occasional rather large bull !

So, eating wise.. I have found it hard work cutting down, I hate that hungry feeling but know that it will pass in a couple of weeks. Cutting down on the alcohol really hasn’t been a problem and I feel so much better for it.
Glasses of wine since last post : 4 (this really is a reduction on the previous few weeks !)
Big iced buns since last post : 0 – result !
Anyway, this is another photo from last Sundays run 🙂

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