Well, this week has been a bit of an odd week and I haven’t really stuck to my training plan…. Wednesday night was the annual inter club race between Steyning and Henfield; 5 miles along the Downs Link from Henfield to Steyning, this was actually one of my best races so far and I completed it in 44:04 🙂
This was followed by Thursday nights club training session, titled “hill training and endurance” which roughly translates to finding the biggest hill in the area (trust me we have some big hills around here) and running up it followed by a few miles across the Downs….. My problem was that I hadn’t eaten enough during the day Thursday and felt fairly knackered before I started…… So, I decided to skip Fridays early morning run….
So, come Sunday and my long run I know my week has already gone to pot training wise so I decided to run a new route over to my parents house to hand deliver my Fathers Day card to my Dad…. It is about 5 miles each way across the Downs but I did have a break in the middle for a chat and clod drink !
I also took my camera with me and stopped to take a few photos…. Total miles for the week 24.57 – target for the week 33 miles…….
This weeks target is 35 miles… Let’s just see how it goes… Anyway, these are a few of the photos from yesterday’s run 🙂

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