Today I survived the Steyning Stinger half marathon. I think “ran” may be the wrong word to use because although I did run most of it with the weather conditions the word “survived” seems a bit more fitting.
There was an incredible amount of mud. That trainer gripping ankle deep mud that just seems to suck you in as well as the incredibly slippery when you are trying to go up/down a hill type mud. Throw in the sideways stinging rain, winds and dropping temperature then “survived” really does seem a better word.
The Steyning Stinger was my first ever half marathon last year in much kinder weather conditions. This year I was slower (still have a painful knee) and I was taking it easy to try and avoid any injury that would threaten my marathon in April….. running downhill at the moment does seem particularly painful and I really didn’t want to end up on my bum 🙂
Next time I attempt a run like this I should really run in off road trainers… Then I may just have a bit more grip 🙂
Anyway, I’m back home in the warm, trainers are washed and drying by the Aga and I am wondering how long it will be before my knee stops hurting.

Trainers when new 🙂

Trainers after today’s race 🙂

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