I think we all have things in our lives that we plan for…. and then we have those things that we pop in the diary and conveniently forget about because something bigger/better/more exciting is happening…
This weekend has been one of those “pop in the diary and forget about” moments. I have been racing both days this weekend. Yesterday was a lovely 10k trail race through a forest, I had booked it before the marathon to give myself a reason to keep on running. It is a race I have run before, quite hilly and all off road 🙂 what I hadn’t taken in to consideration was quite what a marathon would take out of me…. My marathon training had all been geared to distance rather than speed and with my knee problems I had slowed right down… Then, if you put in to the mix a week on the road with work (and a few glasses of wine more than normal) followed by a few days in Devon staying with some very good friends, sampling some of the great food at the Victoria Inn, Salcombe, and some wonderful home cooking all with plenty of wine to accompany it then you start to get the picture regarding my race training for this weekend !
Oh, and did I mention the Devon cream teas ??

As you can see, absolutely delicious but not too sure that they are part of Paula Radcliffes diet !
So, after a muddy, hilly trail 10k race yesterday I had entered a 5 mile cross country run over the South Downs today..
I think it is fair to say that maybe I should have known better than to have a couple of glasses of wine last night but hey, I knew I wouldn’t be breaking any records today…
Today’s race seemed to be uphill for an awful long time, one good thing was that this weekend, for the first time for a long time, it was sunny so the view from the top of the South Downs were stunning.
This weekend has seen me breaking any PBs but I was only a few seconds slower on Saturday than last year and it was a lot muddier this year… I could carry on making excuses but the reality is that I didn’t train for these races and it showed. So, I have 2 weeks to get my butt in to gear before my next 10k race; I have a feeling that I won’t be getting a PB but hopefully my time will be a tadge better than last year, if it isn’t I won’t be broken hearted, as I said near the start of this post I didn’t realise quite what running the marathon would take out of me….
I have a target 10k towards the end of this year that I am working towards so apart from the odd half marathon my training is going to be geared to improving my PB in that 🙂
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