A mix of lockdown, living in the caravan and then moving on to the boat has thrown my “normal” running routine. To be honest I’ve found it quite hard some days to actually get out for a run.

I think this is because everything in my life its now different. So, to get some of my MoJo back I’ve decided to run everyday during September. The only “rule” is that it has to be for a minimum of one mile. I’m hoping this will get me back to the point where running everyday, or almost everyday, is just part of my normal.
So far this year I’ve only run about half the distance I would have normally run. But in a “normal” year I would have been meeting up with friends and training for events. It has really shown me that I need a goal to motivate me.
Living on the canals and not knowing where I will be for a while does mean I won’t be entering any races in the near future… and that is without all the restrictions that COVID has placed on everything in life.

As a running coach I also know that there are three elements in training, frequency, duration and intensity and you should only increase one of these at a time.
Because I’m increasing the frequency of my running I won’t be increasing the duration or intensity at the moment. To do so would increase my risk of injury and that isn’t what I want ! This means that most of my runs will be between 2 and 5 miles.

I’ve added a STRAVA widget to this blog so you can, if you want to, keep track of my runs. Some of my runs are built in to our travels, yesterdays run was between locks stopping to operate them as Phill came through with the boats so really a total body workout !
I will also be running from wherever we moor. One thing that is really useful is the Ordnance Survey apps so I can find all the footpaths, plan routes and download the maps for offline use to my phone. It’s a great way to see a bit more of the areas we are travelling through 🙂