Well, it has been a real mix lately, in more ways than one !
The weather has turned back to being quite unpredictable even though it isn’t really that cold and I’m still struggling to fit in as much running as I would like !
Tomorrow is my next half marathon, I don’t doubt that I can run the distance but I haven’t done the volume of training that I had planned to do a few months ago. But a few months ago I didn’t know that I would be quite this busy with work or have a dog !
I’m still getting out walking with Millie every day and I’m really looking forward to when she can start running with me. We had some friends come and stay this week with their two Cockapoos and if they are anything to go by then Millie is really going to enjoy running 🙂
With the rain we have had lots of fantastic rainbows, I’ve taken a few photos on my phone but somehow I can’t quite capture how beautiful it really looks from the top of the Downs..
Anyway, wish me luck for tomorrow and enjoy these photos.