It was great to get out running in sunshine today.. Much of my running at the moment is done in the evenings in the dark, it almost seems a novelty to be able to see where you are running !
This week Phill has started running again after hurting his leg, unfortunately he only made it out once before coming down with a bad cold… The runs that we do together are obviously a bit slower and shorter than I have been doing so I carry on and do another couple of miles afterwards..
This week has also seen me break a psychological barrier… I ran a complete route with an average of less than 10 minutes a mile. It was only 2.5 miles but it is the first time I have got my average down to below the 10 minute mark. I also managed my best time on my 5.5 mile route of 55:13 so not much more to bring that average down to below the 10 minute mile mark as well.
I tried a different route for my long run this week along the river, the advantage being that it is quite flat, apart from the first and last mile…. I mapped it out and estimated it to be about 9 miles… I was a bit out and it turned out to be 10.75 miles. I also find running on the flat very different from the hills round here and in some ways it is harder.. For every up hill step there is a downhill step that can be used to recover… On the flat it is equal effort all the way without the recovery bits…
I’m also having trouble with blisters again…. Does anyone manage to run without them ?? Maybe I should try the orthotic insoles again.. But they produced quite large blisters last time I tried them… I have tried different socks, two pairs of socks, had a gait analysis and tried different trainers.. And still I get blisters…
So, this week I have run a total of 22.39 miles. I’m really quite pleased with that considering I have been working away for a few days. I know next week won’t be as good because I’m away for work again from the Thursday until the following monday and it isn’t going to be possible to get out much before then. If I manage 11 miles that will be good 🙂
Anyway here are a couple of photos from today’s run.

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